What is Ozone Technology?

It is one of the most powerful natural sanitizers known to man. In order to provide you and your family with the safest cleanest laundry, this facility is infusing Ozone into every washer with every rinse.

Cleaner Clothes, Faster.

Have you ever noticed that fresh air smell after a lightning storm? The tremendous energy from lightning splits Oxygen molecules apart in the atmosphere. When three Oxygen atoms are bonded together – Ozone is born. Ozone instantly destroys germs and odors, leaving behind nothing but the fresh smell of oxygen. That freshness you smell after a lightning storm is Ozone cleansing the air.

What are the benefits of Ozone?

  • Ozone kills germs in your laundry. In fact, Ozone kills bacteria up to 3,200 times faster and stronger than Chlorine bleach.

  • Ozone is also a natural deodorizer. It doesn’t just mask odors, it destroys them, leaving your laundry smelling “Clothesline Fresh”.

  • Ozone relaxes and opens the weaves of laundry allowing for a deeper clean and softer more comfortable laundry that dries faster. With Ozone, many guests discover they no longer need bleach and fabric softener.

  • Ozone is much gentler on your laundry than harsh chemicals. Ozone works best in cold water and therefore helps your laundry last longer.

  • Ozone sanitizes the laundry, and the washer, so it is sterile for each guest.